Wednesday, September 07, 2005

By the way, if you don't read Wil Wheaton'sGames Of Our Lives, get off your ass. The Onion AV club has been running a games column for a couple months, and while you can expect the same sardonic wit applied to current game release reviews ("Frustration sets in when: Your Nintendog stubbornly refuses to fight space aliens, punch hookers, or perform other expected video-game feats"), but Wheaton's look into gaming's history covers dismal arcade and console failures that don't get mentioned when people talk about how great gaming used to be. Note to kids only aware of games fromn the early 80's via compilations by Activision, Namco, and Midway: This represents all the good games from that time. The rest were garbage. So its nice to have someone remembering that game sucked ass before Superman 64.


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