Saturday, January 21, 2006

Supply and Demand: The Next Generation

Hot on the heels of reading a major japanese retailer is importing Nintendo DS units from the USA to satisfy demand, I walked into Best Buy to find a single, lonesome Xbox 360 core system that nobody wanted. Its funny that the 360 launch has generated so much hype that impression is that its somehow the greatest thing ever, when people are telling Peter Moore to his face that theres serious problems. Meanwhile, the DS has generated some of the most talked about a played games of the past year, and so many people are ready to see Nintendo fail. Is this fair? I mean, Animal Crossing is still selling like nuts, I can't even find a copy. And the hottest thing for 360 is Call Of Duty 2, which at best is a game available on PC as well and at worst is yet another WWII game. Who said the 360 is the next generation? Outside of the online service, theres nothing next gen about the experience yet. Nintendo DS much more aptly fits the next gen description, even if it is a portable. Its offering high demand games, innovative experiences, and new ideas. Best of all, people are actually buying them and playing with them. The 360 can't move a core unit right now because theres nothing to do with it and the majority of gamers don't think much of the 'stripped' system in the first place.


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