Sunday, February 05, 2006

Doom 3 Co-Op

Doom 3 is available on xbox for only $9.99 at Toys R Us now. I have a feeling games left behind by the 360 backward compatibility crew will see markdowns like this more often. Anyway, me and Ernie each got it this week and tried the online co-op last night. I realize a lot of people played this game a long time ago, but we found it kind of scary. Its frequently pitch black, and even though we would have one guy with a gun and the other with a flashlight, narrow hallways and frequent monsters teleporting from multiple directions made this game plan pretty useless. We'd run like morons, frantically mashing the weapon switch to draw our shotguns, and take massive damage. Usually one of us was lucky enough to survive these common catastrophes, and wait for the hapless other to respawn and catch up. Its not a bad game, though difficulty seems to stem from lack of vision and numbers of enemies than good AI. These hell bastards just run right at you and don't take cover or anything. This is still scary and hard, just not what we're used to from the trickier shooting games of the last few years. Long story short, Halo 2 remains the gold stanard but there are a lot worse ways to waste ten bucks. Just make sure you play in the dark and carefully adjust your volume...


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